There is nothing more powerful in a silent room than an original piece of art.
My work always has shown moments of perfect calmness, like film stills. Moments of peace and self reflection. Without knowing I was constantly chasing this calm and quiet place of utopia we all long for and now even more long for then we ever have. The quickening has taken over. All our striving pools in energetic, social status achieving and adrenaline activating goals. The rush is our game. The constant fear of missing out on something our best friend.
Meditation and mental practices will not save us from falling for the wrong lovers. We have to come home. We have to find peace and calmness on a daily basis within ourselves. We have to become the master of our internal monologue and longings. We have to provide ourselves with energy and life purpose. We have to be our own bodyguard. Life is breathing. Life is the bravery to slow down. Life is caring for our central nervous system. We have to dare to join a silent revolution. We, the rebels who refuse to join the quickening and betray their most important values in life.
This is the work I am willing to dedicate my life to. This work is a time capsule of life energy, insight, contemplation and strength.