“Tanja is a master artist. Whenever I witness her creations, (on the walls in my home, or online) I am transported to a place of profound peace and ease. The whole room exhales when her art is on the wall and time slows down. I have never seen art like Tanja's and I feel completely restored being in the presence of her mastery.“
Aimee McNee - Australia
"Looking at Tanja's subtle and impressionist brushstrokes always evokes a timeless nostalgic feeling in me for a moment. It flies me to an idealistic place where I can feel the warm breeze and play of sparkling lights on my face, surrounded by lush leaves and mystical greens. I’m lucky to have a piece of art from her. It's a delight every time I look at it.“
Agnes Somogyi - Spain
"What I love most about Tanja's work is the vibrancy and movement of each piece – her art is alive in the most beautiful way. Some pieces evoke playfulness and joy, while others have a peacefulness about them that draws you in. A truly exciting artist!“
Gauri Yardi - Australia
“What I love most about Tanja’s work is the richness of detail. I can get lost in this. I discover something new on a daily basis. Especially looking at her collage-like paintings I feel immediately transported into another reality. Our daughter's portrait is amazing, because it is so much more than its photographic source."
Kirsten Schaber - Germany
“Tanja ist mit dem Porträt von Hannah etwas Außergewöhnliches gelungen. Die Farben, das sommerliche warme Licht und die behutsame Hervorhebung von Details verschmelzen zu einem atmosphärischen Zusammenspiel, das überaus heiter, leicht, lebendig und fröhlich wirkt.
Paul Schenk - Germany
“ Das Bild ist Teil unserer Familie geworden. Wir freuen uns jeden Tag darüber und entdecken neue Details, die unsere Blicke verweilen lassen. Ich stehe immer wieder staunend vor dem neuen “Familienmitglied”. Schön dass es bei uns ist. Vielen Dank nochmals für die vertrauensvolle Weitergabe Deines Werkes an uns!”
Katharina & Jörg Nirmayer - Germany
„In her paintings, Tanja Maria Ernst employs quotations from art history and travel literature from the 1950s and 1960s, a time characterized by the Eurocentric view that preceded post-colonialism. By overpainting the canvases several times, she produces unexpected combinations. The artist is concerned with visualizing (intellectual-) historical events and symbols that continue to shape our current society.
Marjatta Hölz, 2018
„Die Schau - Paradies mit kleinen Fehlern - sollte man sich nicht entgehen lassen, nicht nur wegen Ernsts Virtuosität, sondern weil die Künstlerin vieldeutig, ironisch, mitunter süffisant in ihrem Geflecht aus Malerei, Collage, Aquarell und Zeichnung die Brüche im scheinbaren Garten Eden, unserer Welt, aufdeckt.“